Wednesday, February 22, 2012


When really communing with God, I find the future to be very different than the norm. Generally the future brings with it stress, anxiety, worry. Why? I dont know. Maybe the way I was brought up, the fact that I lived the majority of my life being a wild party girl. Whatever the reason, it is so much more invigorating knowing that if I obey God, even if it seems so scary, or unsure, and even sometimes uncomfortable, it will really work out, for HE has a plan for my life. Not just your average run of the mill plan, but an awesome, exciting, abundantly blessed plan. Woo Hoo. THIS gives me peace, joy, and a worry free anxiety free existence that makes me SMILE. Thanks God.

1 comment:

  1. Keep on writing! Love you and didn't even realize you had a blog? Blessings all over your precious family and may your day be filled with ways in which to glorify the great I AM!
