Friday, January 13, 2012


One thing is for sure. When you are seeking God, and following his gentle guidance, you know only good things are in store for you. I know the old belief of when something bad happens, "It was God's will", ya, I dont know I am not buying it. I dont of course have any answers but here is what I think. As I look at the events in my life, even the "suckiest" stuff ended up having a significant purpose. Analyzing further, when I trace the timeline where I am actively seeking God, the "sucky" experiences seem to unfold in a tremendously positive way, Then looking at the times when I am just floundering around, making decisions based on fear, worry, or what society deems should be the correct path to take. These experiences seem to unfold in a not so great way. So what is the lesson? SEEK GOD. When faced with a decision, a choice, a crossroad, get still, get small, then break through with GOD.

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